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Monday 30 June 2014

The Identity Crisis of the Motherland

By Murigi Ndung’u
As Kenyans continue to watch helplessly at the deteriorating state of affairs, fervently invoking the last rays of hopes for a bright national future, the rest of the world remains almost  as green as the natives themselves. Power is an intoxicating factor but sadism colours it’s blindside. With this in mind, we have to consider the various challenges presented. Do we dump our beloved country for the future of our fame, at the expense of our differences? Nay.
It is possible to cast our antagonism into the field and forget about the future we once dreamed of, but this suicidal kind of reasoning would only betray the efforts of the pioneers of the republic whose toil made sure we get a sovereign nation devoid of negative foreign influence. Now for the Kenyan folks, the victims of the lost human dignity, do we have to wait and watch where fate drives us?
But as the bearers of the blunt, don’t we have a say, are we to observe ‘mum’. Keep quiet about our suffering and give a dumb ear to our own tribulation? We have a say, a powerful archetype, we have to act about it in a civilized manner.
The conflict of personal interests should never be the crippling factor to our forward mindedness. If at all we have to be the slaves of our own fame, then we don’t have to ride on a storm to acclaim our celebrity. Humanity is of utmost importance regardless of what our ambitions are.
“No one can make you inferior without your consent” courtesy of Eleanor Roosevelt. A major problem that is concurrent in Kenya is the line of ethnicity. This has always gnawed at the proper national functioning disabling the forums of technical development and advancement.
Presently we are faced with the ugly ordeal of determining where we belong, the conflict of identity crisis. Should we pledge allegiance to politics of the day and forget that as the nationals, only two classes exist, the upper class and the lower class, the haves and the have-nots.
It’s ironical though that the have-nots are used by the haves in airing what the haves intend to say. Kill fellow have-nots so that the haves can continue to accumulate more power and worship, and have a more god-like position by heightening the disparity between the two families. What we consider as the bastion of humanity is only what gets at our backs and claws deep into our throats.         

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