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Tuesday 7 November 2017

Joto Afrika: Implementing Kenya’s Nationally Determined Contribution

By Bob Aston
The Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) is pleased to present Joto Afrika issue 22- Implementing Kenya’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The issue is a joint effort between ALIN and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources through the Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) Project.
Page 1 of Joto Afrika issue 22
In recognition of the serious threats posed by climate change, Kenya has put in place elaborate national policy, legal and institutional frameworks on climate change. Key among them; National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), National Adaptation Plan (NAP), National Framework Policy on Climate Change, Climate Change Act, 2016 and National Policy on Climate Finance among other sectoral policies.
Kenya ratified the Paris Agreement in December 2016 and consequently committed to action through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Under the NDC, the country has committed to an emission reduction of 30 percent against business as usual scenario by 2030 and adaptation actions in key sectors. The national policy and legal framework on climate change provide a firm foundation for the implementation of the NDC.
The country has taken steps towards an integrated approach to NDC implementation, coordinated by the government. This builds on similar efforts including embedding sustainable natural resource utilization into its 2010 Constitution and mainstreaming climate change into the Second Medium Term Plan (2013-2017) of Kenya’s Vision 2030.
Joto Afrika issue 22 highlights Kenya’s approach to NDC implementation by National and County governments and other non-state actors.
Joto Afrika, meaning “Africa is feeling the heat’ in Kiswahili is a series of printed briefings and online resources about low emission and climate change adaptation actions. The series helps people understand the issues, constraints, and opportunities that they face in adapting to climate change and escaping poverty.
It is our hope that readers will find issue 22 of Joto Afrika as informative and that it would add value to their work in understanding the issues, constraints and opportunities that people face in adapting to climate change. You can download a copy of Joto Afrika issue here.

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